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The Intitiative | Questions | Sign-In | Guestbook



Great feedback is already coming in from visitors to the PARDI site--it is interesting that some folks love exactly what others really dislike about the PARDI concept! The best information comes in the form of questions--either issues that have not yet been sufficiency explained or that have not yet been examined in the PARDI planning process. These will be presented here, for your consideration...





As always, we would love your feedback--possible answers to the above or more questions. Either way, please contact Kirk Knestis with your thoughts.



SCCA® is a registered trademark of the Sports Car Club of America. This initiative is not affiliated with the SCCA® or any of its regions.


Anti-spam Statement: Information about PARDI is distributed, via published e-mail addresses, only to motorsports-oriented people who are likely to find the concept interesting--particularly individuals who may occupy leadership positions or maintain media sources for racing organizations. Your name and/or e-mail address, if provided to or acquired by PARDI organizers, will not be distributed to any third party for any reason, without your express permission. Further, PARDI organizers do not endorse the blanket mailing of unsolicited e-mail about PARDI to individuals who have not, by their participation in motorsports organizations, demonstrated that they are likely to find PARDI's message or ideas interesting.

Please, help fight spam.


© Copyright MM by Kirk Knestis

Last updated 23 April 2000